Instrukcija Po Meram Bezopasnosti ((TOP))
6.Instruktsiya po rasshifrovke lent i otsenke sostoyaniya rel'sovoi kolei po pokazaniyam puteizmeritel'nogo vagona TsNII-2 i meram po obespecheniyu bezopasnosti dvizheniya poezdov TsP-515 : utv. MPS Rossii 14 okt. 1997. : s izm. i dop. utv. rasporyazheniem OAO RZhD ot 21 yanv. 2008 No. 69r. [Instructions for decoding the tapes and assessing the condition of the track gauge according to the indications of the CNII-2 track-measuring car and the measures to ensure the safety of the train traffic. CP-515: appr. by the Ministry of Railways of Russia on October 14, 1997.: with amend. and additional. appr. by the Order of JSC Russian Railways from January 21, 2008 No. 69r].
instrukcija po meram bezopasnosti
7.Instruktsiya po otsenke sostoyaniya rel'sovoi kolei puteizmeritel'nymi sredstvami i meram po obespecheniyu bezopasnosti dvizheniya : utv. rasporyazheniem OAO RZhD ot 2013 [Instructions for assessing the condition of the track gauge by means of travel and measures to ensure traffic safety: appr. by the order of Russian Railways, 2013]. 041b061a72